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What is it?
What is it done for?
How is it done?
What are the benefits?
What are the limitations??
How much time is taken?
When is to be repeated?
What is it?

Refraction test is an eye examination that measures a person prescription for eye glasses and contact lenses.

What is it done for?

It is done as a part of routine eye examination to determine if a person has normal vision or is having refractive error (hypermetropia,myopia and astigmatism).

How is it done?

It is done in two ways
1- Manual Refraction that is with retinoscope
2- Automated Refraction that is with automated refractometer.

It is done in two forms.
a- Dry refraction that is without drops.
b- Wet refraction that is with pupil dilator drops.

What are the benefits?

When a person complains of blurred vision this test helps to determine the extent of poor vision. It can also be done in monitoring a person who is being treated for a particular eye disease. It is used to measure the degree of hypermetropia, myopia and astigmatism.

What are the limitations?

Blurred vision, eye redness, irritation and watering and fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

How much time is taken?

For dry refraction 20 minutes are required. For wet refraction 1 hrs is required.

When is to be repeated?

Normally 6 months to 1 year is advised for routine eye examination provided patient is not suffering from any eye disease which requires early eye examination.

What are other alternative tests?

Eye test and vision screening test.

What is the expense?

The cost may vary from one hospital to the other.

Author: Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
Last Updated on: 1 March, 2014

Complete Eye Care
Complete Eye Examination
Computer Vision Syndrome
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Retina Detachment


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Dr. Sanjay Dhawan,
MBBS, MS (Gold Medalist), DO
Director Opthalmology & Senior Eye Surgeon
Max Healthcare

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