Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
Last Update -
03 March, 2005 |
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A specific communicable keratoconjunctivitis usually of chronic evolution caused by the
chlamydia trachomatis, primarily affecting the superficial epithelium, characterized by
formation of follicles, papillary hyperplasia and pannus, the natural reolution of which
is by cicatrization involving potentially considerable visual disability. (Duke-Elder)
It means rough (Greek)
- 500 million affected
- 2 million are blind
- 15.5 % of global blindness
- 6.5 % (1 million) of population affected
- 2.4 % of blindness
- commonest in western and far western terai (Bheri & Seti zone) Chettry, Magar &
Disease Characteristics
- Poverty, dirt, flies, poor sanitation, etc.
- F > M
- Transmission by direct inoculation by finger, flies and fomites.
- Prevalence a fly population in a region
- Incubation period is 5 12 days
- Age commonest in childhood
- Reservoir of infection children with active disease
Clamydia trachomatis
- A, B, Ba & C ® Trachoma (commonest is C)
- D K ® Inclusion conjunctivitis
- L1, L2 & L3 ® Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Elementary body (300 nm, dont divide, infectious) ® Reticulate body (1000 nm,
divide, non-infectious) ® intracytoplasmic inclusion body (Halberstaedter von
- Primary epithelial lesion of conjunctiva and cornea
- Chronic inflammation characterized by papillary hypertrophy of epithelium and lymphoid
infiltration of subepithelial tissue.
- Mass of mononuclear cells surrounded by phagocytes, giant phagocytes (Lebers
cells), polymorphs, mast cells and eosinophils.
- May be large (upto 5 mm)
- Central necrosis ® mature (Sago grain) ® cicatrization
- Many follicles may coalesce ® Folliculoma of Pascheff
- Epithelium undergoes hypertrophy and is thrown in folds to form papillae.
- Between adjacent papillae pseudoglands may form ® retention cysts and concretions
- Subepithelial infiltration and vascularization of peripheral cornea contiguous with the
limbus first between epithelium and the Bowmans membrane followed by destruction of
the latter.
Other changes
- Increased Goblet cells
- Cellular infiltration of tarsus ® thickening ® degeneration ® softening
- Lacrimal gland infiltration
- Infiltration of lacrimal sac and dacryolith formation
- Decrease Tear lysozyme
- Increase C3 & Factor B in tears and corresponding decrease in serum.
Clinical Features
- Congestion, irritation, watering, discharge & photophobia
- Follicles gray white nodule with surrounding blood vessels
uppper trasal conjunctiva
Upper fornix
less commonly in the lower fornix, plica & bubar conjunctiva
- Papillary Hyperplasia of epithelium each with a central twig of vessel
give rise to a velvety appearance of conjunctiva
formation of concretions
- Scarring
Mosaic pattern
Arlts line
- Follicles at limbus (Herberts follicles)
surrounded by vessels (Herbert;s rossettes)
- Pannus
Progressive: infiltration extends beyond vascularisation
Regressive: vascularisation extends beyond infiltration
Types of Trachomatous Pannus
- Pannus tenuis: recent and thin
- Pannus vasculosus: highly vascular
- Pannus crassus: thick & fleshy
- Pannus ciccus: cicatricial
Other types of Pannus
- Pannus trachomaous
- Pannus leprosus (leprosy)
- Pannus scrofulous (phlyctenular conjunctivitis)
- Pannus degenerativus (atrophic bulbi, glaucoma, etc.)
- Superficial keratitis & punctate epithelial defects
- Herberts pits: scarring of limbal folicales initially gives rise to a depressed
scar which later fills up and gets pigmented
- Opacification of cornea
Classification of Trachoma
McCallan (1908)
Stage I Incipient Trachoma (Infiltration)
- Immature follicles on upper tarsus
- Minimal papillary hypertrophy
- Faint subepithelial opacities with diffuse punctate keratitis
- Early pannus
Stage II Established Trachoma (Florid infiltration)
IIa Follicular Hypertrophy Predominant
- Mature well defined sago grain follicles
- Advanced keratitis
- Limbal follicles
- Advanced pannus with subepithelial infiltration and corneal haze
IIb Papillary Hypertrophy Predominant
- Papillary hypertrophy obliterating the follicles
- Intense cellular infiltration
- Pannus & infiltration of upper limbus
- Necrosis of follicles at limbus and tarsus
Stage III Cicatrising Trachoma (Scarring)
- Follicular necrosis & scarring with island of follicles & papillae inbetween
- Beginning of entropion and trichiasis
- Gross pannus
- Usually denotes re-infection
Stage IV Healed Trachoma (Sequelae)
- Tarsal conjunctiva completely scarred but pattern smooth, mosaic or Arlts line
- Cornea free of infiltrates anmd staining
- Sequelae
WHO Classification (1987)
Meant to be used by field workers
TF Trachomatous Inflammation Follicular
> 5 folicles (> 0.5 mm diameter) on upper tarsal conjunctiva
TI Trachomatous Inflammation Intense
inflammation & papillary hypertrophy obscurring > ½ of tarsal vessels
TT Trachomatous Trichiasis
at least 1 trichiatic cilia rubbing on theglobe or evidence of its recent removal
TS Trachomatous Scarring
obvious trachomatous scarring of upper tarsal conjunctiva
CO Corneal Opacity
Trachomatous corneal opacity at least a part of which extends over the pupil
Diagnostic Criteria
At least 2 of following:
- Follicles on upper tarsal conjunctiva
- Limbal follicles or Herberts pits
- Typical conjunctival scarring
- Vascular pannus most marked in the superior limbus
- Distortion of lids
- Entropion
- Trichiasis
- Ectropion (hypertrophy of conjunctiva)
- Herberts pits
- Ptosis (tylosis & infiltration of LPS)
- Madarosis
- Posterior symblepharon
- Parenchymatous xerosis
- Defective lid closure, lid deformity & deficient tear film ® corneal damage.
- Cicatrization involving lacrimal drainage & dacryolith formation ® epiphora
- Glaucoma (perilimbal fibrosis & infiltration of the outflow channels)
Secondary Infection
H. aegyptius (commonest)
- Corneal ulcer
- Iritis
Differential Diagnosis
- Folliculosis
- Toxic follicular conjunctivitis: Molluscum contagiosum, Topical drugs,Eye cosmetics
- Bacterial e.g. Moraxella
- Axenfelds Follicular Conjunctivitis
- Chronic follicular Conjunctivitis
- Perinauds Oculoglandular Syndrome
- Vernal Conjunctivitis
Laboratory Diagnosis
Detection of HP bodies on smear
- Iodine stain
- Giemsa stain
- Immunoflourescent stain
- Cytology
Isolation of Chlamydia
- Yolk sac culture
- Tissue culture on irradiated McCoy Type II cells
- Complement fixation test
- Immunodiffusion Assay
- Radioisotope Assay
- Microimmunoflourescence
- Serial Radial Hemolysis
Cutaneous Hypersensitivity
- Copper Sulphate
- Silver Nitrate
- Gonoccocal pus
- Scarification
- Lid Excision
- Oint. Tetracycline 1 % 2-4 times/day for 6 weeks
- Oint. Erythromycin 1 % 2-4 times/day for 6 weeks
- G. Sulphacetamide 20 % QID for 6 weeks
- Tetracycline 250 mg QID PO for 3-4 weeks
- Erythromycin 250 mg QID PO for 3-4 weeks
- Doxycycline 250 mg BD PO for 3-4 weeks
- Azithromycin 20 mg / kg body weight single dose
Surgical Treatment
- Concretions are removed with hypodermic needle
- Trichiasis is dealt with by epilation, electrolysis or cryotherapy
- Entropion by appropriate operation
Mild to Moderate: Wedge resection of tarsus (Foxs modification of Streatfield
Snellens Operation)
Moderate to Severe: Tarsal Fracture (Ballens modification of Burrows
Mass or Blanket Therapy
- Prevalence > 5 % in children < 10 years of moderate to severe trachoma
- Ointment Tetracycline OD for 10 days or BD for 5 days, every month for 6 months.
Public health Measures
- Water supply to promote general hygiene
- Better sanitation
- Controlling fly population
- Health & hygiene education of school children