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 Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
Eye Examination
More Frequent Eye Examination
What is it done for?
Who Should Conduct Routine Eye Examination?

A stitch in time saves nine". It is important to have a routine eye examination regularly to not only detect any eye disease at an early stage but also to maintain good eye health.

Routine Eye Examination should be done as per following schedule:

  • At Birth: to rule out any congenital eye disorders (e.g., cataract, glaucoma,etc).

  • At 1 year: to rule out any developmental disorders of the eye (e.g., cataract, squint, retinoblastoma, etc.)

  • At School Admission: to rule out refractive errors (need for spectacles), amblyopia (lazy eye), squint, etc.
    Then Every 3-5 years till the age of 40 years
    Every 1-2 years after the age of 40: to detect presbyopia, glaucoma, cataract, effects of any other disease of the body (e.g., Diabetes Mellitus), etc.

More Frequent Eye Examination

Frequent eye examination (more than recommended above) is required if you have any of the following:

  • Refractive Error: every year

  • Any other Eye Disease: as advised by your ophthalmologist (eye surgeon)

  • Diabetes Mellitus: as advised by your physician or yearly if there is no eye changes of diabetes and at least every 6 months if eye changes (especially diabetic retinopathy) are present.

  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Every year

  • Thyroid Disease: as advised by your physician or endocrinologist

  • Arthritis: as advised by your orthopedician or rheumatologist.

In systemic diseases affecting the eye it may help if the physician and the ophthalmologist constantly communicate with each other.


A good comprehensive routine eye examination includes the following:

  • Visual Acuity (ability of the person to see)

  • Refraction (assessment of the need for spectacles)

  • Orthoptic Examination (assessment of eye muscle coordination and strength)

  • Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy (detailed microscopic examination of the eye)

  • Fundus Examination (examination of the retina)

  • Intra-ocular Pressure (eye pressure)

  • Any other test required if any problem is detected during the course of above examination.

Who Should Conduct Routine Eye Examination?

Only a qualified eye surgeon (ophthalmologist) can carry out a comprehensive routine eye examination. In India most ophthalmologists have one or more of the following qualifications:

  • MBBS (all eye surgeons have MBBS as their basic qualification before specializing in eyes)

  • MS

  • MD

  • DO

  • DNB

  • FRCS

  • FRCOphth

  • Board Certification from USA

Optometrists are qualified to test visual acuity, refraction and Orthoptic test. B.Sc. (Optometry) or B.Sc. (Ophthalmic Science) are the two main degrees that qualify optometrists.


You can contribute to the dream of "Vision for All for Ever" by spreading the importance of Routine Eye Examination among your friends and the loved ones. We all know that "prevention is better than cure", but we all need to do something about it.

Consult your Ophthalmologist today for a Routine Eye Examination.

Author: Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
Last Updated on: 1 March, 2014

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