What is it? |
Retina examination is done with an instrument known as Ophthalmoscope.
Retina is the transparent part inside the eye which serve as a screen on which image is
formed .This test is important to rule out any retinal disorders. |
What is it done for? |
Retinal examination is done to detect early signs of numerous diseases
that affect not only your eyes and your sight but your overall health ; including
hypertensive retinopathy , diabetic retinopathy ,age related macular degeneration ,retinal
detachment, glaucoma and optic nerve disorders. |
How is it done? |
Ans- 3 Retina examination is done with an instrument known as Ophthalmoscope.
With an ophthalmoscope , light is shown into the eye and the retina and optic nerve
is examined. This is called as examination of the retina (fundus) ,this is what the eye
doctor sees when he peeps into your eye .Through the transparent cornea , into the dark
interior. When he looks into the eye with the ophthalmoscope he sees a orange glowing
interior ,that is the retina. The retina is actually transparent. It appears bright because of
blood vessels in the Choroid layer below. It is like looking at your ear against the bright
sunlight. The yellow circle is the optic nerve ,the cable of vision .A red shiny dot attracts
attention , that is the macula.. |
What are the benefits? |
Retinal examination is done to detect early signs of numerous diseases
that affect not only your eyes and your sight but your overall health, including
hypertensive retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration ,retinal
detachment ,glaucoma and optic nerve disorders.
Examination of the ocular fundus is an important component of the clinical evaluation
in many diseases .It is essential in patients with diabetic mellitus ,increased intra cranial
pressure and glaucoma. |
What are the limitations? |
Its limitations include
1- No stereopsis is possible since one can only obtain a monocular view.
2- Secondly only the posterior central fundus can be visualized and the majority of the
peripheral fundus cannot be seen. Therefore if a retinal tear or detachment is suspected
other techniques must be used. |
How much time is taken? |
For dry (without dilator drops) retina examination 10 minutes are required but
for dilated (with dilator drops) retina examination 1hr or more than 1 hr is required. |
When is to be repeated? |
As per the doctors advise but in some cases early examination is required. |
What are other alternative tests? |
Ans- 8 Fundus examination, Ophthalmoscopy.
What is the expense? |
It is a part of routine eye examination so it is included in consultation charges, but
after examination if some eye exercizes are required ,they are chargeable and the cost
may vary from one hospital to the other. |