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 Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
Dilation of Eye

Dilation of eye or Mydriasis ia a technique to dilate (enlarge) the pupil and also to paralyse the accommodation in greater or lesser degree due to paralysis of the ciliary muscles of the eye.

Pupil dilating drugs are called Mydriatics.All drugs which dilate the pupil also paralyse the the accommodation due to paralysis of the ciliary muscles (cycloplegia).

Systemically used Atropine causes pupillary dilatation.


Local Mydriatics

1- Parasympatholytic Mydriatics ; It abolishes the action of acetylcholine and, thus causes mydriasis by making it impossible for the sphincter muscle to contract e.g.atropine 1%, homatropine 1-2%, cyclopentolate0.5-1%, and tropicamide 0.5- 1%.

2- Sympathomimetic Mydriatics ; Directly acts on dilator pupillae to produce mydriasis e.g. adrenaline (1 in 10,000) as intra cameral injection (into A/C), phenylephrine drop (2.5-10%) and cocaine hydrochloride.

Phenylephrine has little effect on ciliary muscles and therefore , should not be considered as cycloplegic.But other parasympatholytic drugs are called cycloplegics .Among these ,atropine is the strongest cycloplegic agent, and the effect lasts for 10-14 days. Homatropine is moderately effective and its effect lasts for 48-72 hours.

Cyclopentolate and tropicamide are very rapidly acting drugs , and their cycloplegic effects usually last for 12-24 hours.

Phenylephrine (Drosyn) is also a rapidly acting drugs , the effect of which lasts only for 12-14 hours.

Uses of Mydriatics in mydriasis

1- Fundus (retinal ) examination.
2- During ECCE or posterior segment surgery .
3- To test any posterior synechia is present or not.
4- To break posterior synechiae(along with cycloplegics).

Uses of Cycloplegics in mydriasis.

1- For refraction in children, hypermetropic subjects and in squints.
2- Refraction in case where the pupil is very small.
3- In cases of Iridocyclitis ,Keratitis and endophthalmitis.
4- In accommodative convergent squint.
5- In case of accommodative spasm.
6- As “penalization” treatment in amblyopia.

Indomethacin, fluriprofen or diclofenac eye drop is used along with mydriatics for prolonging the mydriatic effect during intra-ocular surgery.

Combination of mydriatic-cycloplegic is always better except in refraction e.g.Homatropine and phenylephrine (Sunephrine- H), Tropicamide and phenylephrine(Tropicacyl plus), etc.

Mydriatics should not be used in angle closure glaucoma, or very shallow anterior chamber , and in case of operated anterior chamber or iris fixation I.O.L.

Author: Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
Last Updated on: 1 March, 2014

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